Grinding Technology Japan 2025 (GTJ2025) March 5 (Wed.) - 7 (Fri.), 2025
Makuhari Messe

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  We will hold Grinding Technology Japan 2025 (GTJ2025) for 3 days from Wednesday, March 5, to Friday, March 7, 2025, at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture. GTJ, which specializes in ‘exhibitions focusing on tool manufacturing and grinding technology’ and ‘exhibitions where you can find answers for your site,’ will be held for the fourth time, after first being held in 2019.
  Automation and unmanning are also making remarkable progress in the grinding industry. On the other hand, know-how remains an important element. At GTJ2025, in addition to providing the latest information on grinding and tool manufacturing technology, we will also provide information on skills and know-how. As in the past, we will hold various opportunities for discussion, including the Grinding Concierge. We cordially invite everyone involved in tool manufacturing and grinding to attend GTJ2025 and take part in the discussions.

Held at the same timeSiC, GaN Machining Technology Exhibition 2025

  The “SiC,GaN Machining Technology Exhibition 2025” will be held concurrently with “Grinding Technology Japan 2025,” an exhibition specializing in grinding technology.
  To realize a carbon-neutral society by 2050, it is essential to promote electrification of the mobility industry (EV) as well as the usage of renewable energy as a main power source, and the spread of highly-developed power electronics technology using advanced power semiconductors such as SiC and GaN has become the most important factor.
  Therefore, mass production and cost reduction of advanced power semiconductor wafers are strongly desired. However, these materials are extremely hard and resistant to heat and chemicals. Processing them is extremely time-consuming, and reducing the high processing cost is an urgent issue.
  “SiC,GaN Machining Technology Exhibition 2025” is an exhibition for engineers and technicians involved in the processing of these advanced power semiconductor wafers, as well as for advanced power semiconductor researchers and those who wish to learn more about them. We believe that exhibitors will be able to provide the best answers with the latest technology and knowledge to visitors with such issues. “SiC,GaN Machining Technology Exhibition 2025” will feature slicing, grinding, polishing, and CMP processing technologies related to advanced power semiconductor wafer processing, as well as a variety of wafer evaluation technologies.
  “SiC,GaN Machining Technology Exhibition 2025” will be participated in by the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology, which focuses its research on abrasive grain processing, and the Japan Society for Applied Physics Advanced Power Semiconductors, which focuses on advanced power semiconductors such as SiC, GaN, and diamond, as “special cooperation” organizations.
  There is no argument that in addition to technology and skills, theoretical underpinnings are important for advancing advanced power semiconductor wafer processing. At the “SiC,GaN Machining Technology Exhibition 2025,” the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology and other cooperating organizations will provide explanations of processing theory from an academic standpoint and talk about the future of semiconductor wafer processing technology.


Date March 5 (Wed.) - 7 (Fri.), 2025  3 days (will be held biennially)
Opening hours 10:00 - 17:00
Venue Makuhari Messe, Hall 8
Admission Free with pre-registration
Sankei Shimbun Co., Ltd.
Project by Japan Industrial Publishing Co., Ltd (Machine and Tool Monthly Magazine)
Supporting Organization
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Japan
Special Partner Grinding Forum 21
Collaborating Organization The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology
Cooperating Organizations
Cooperate Organizations Japan Machine Tool Builders' Association / Japan Machine Tool Importers' Association / Japan Machine Tool Distributors Association / Japan Forming Machinery Association / Japan Precision Machine Association / The Japan Cutting & Wear-resistant Tool Association / Japan Machine Accessory Association / Japan Precision Measuring Instruments Manufacturers Association / Japan Grinding Wheel Association / Industrial Diamond Association of Japan / Japan Optical Measuring Instruments Manufacturers' Association / Japan Fluid Power Association / Japan Gear Manufacturers Association / Japan Testing Machine Association / Japan Knife Sharpening Association / Japan Saw blade & Knife Industrial Association / Japan Machine Saw and Knife Industry Association / The Japan Society for Precision Engineering / Japan Fluid Power System Society / Turbomachinery Society of Japan / Deburring, Surface finishing, Cleaning Association Japan.